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May 14, 2023 Global News

An open-source public database for all cough TB recordings which future researchers and the public can utilise and develop more tools that can address the TB burden through cough sounds.

CageTB has a focus in Automated smartphone-based cough audio classification for rapid tuberculosis triage testing (Cough Audio triaGE for TB) CAGE-TB.


May 14, 2023 Global News

Dr. Wayengera successfully developed a rapid diagnostic kit for Ebola. We are sure, under his leadership, Uganda had a response to COVID19 that is effective and efficient. He also came up with a Solution name: Pan-Filovirus Rapid Diagnostic Test Ebolavirus and Marburgvirus cause rare but fatal viral haemorrhagic fevers (VHFs) in remote villages of equatorial Africa. Both filovirus VHFs are highly infectious with potential for urban, regional and global spread. Early detection is important for VHFs epidemic prevention and control.

Whereas two rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) have emerged on the scene for Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV), RDTs for other Ebolavirus species that cause VHFs in humans, such as Sudan ebolavirus-SUDV, Bundibugyo ebolavirus-BDBV, Tai Forest ebolavirus-TAFV and Marburgvirus-MARV are missing. Given the similarity of symptomatology among VHFs and other infectious diseases, it is clear that RDTs to combat filovirus VHFs are needed.

May 14, 2023 Global News

Prof. Moses Joloba was recognized by CDC Global for his effort to fight tuberculosis in Africa in the year 2022. Prof. Moses Joloba, Director of Uganda’s Nat’l. TB Reference Laboratory, has built capacity for #TB diagnosis & surveillance for 25+ years. His leadership was vital in the GeneXpert platform expansion, which helps diagnose drug resistant TB.

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MakBRC is a Ugandan registered Not-for-Profit Organization fully owned by Makerere University established within Makerere University College of Health Sciences.


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